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Request Received


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Submission Confirmation

Thank you so much for your interest in visiting the Ivory & White Bridal Boutique! Please note that this is not a confirmation of an appointment, but rather a notice that we have received your request for an appointment. You will be contacted by a stylist during our normal business hours of Tuesday - Saturday from 10:00 - 6:00 to confirm your appointment date and time. 

It is our policy that we require a credit card to secure all Saturday appointment times. Your card will not be charged at this time. However, if you do not show up for your appointment or do not provide a 24 hour cancellation notice, this card would be charged a $150 cancellation fee. 

Thank you and we look forward to working with you!

- Ivory & White Bridal Boutique Team

please note that we are closed on Sundays & Mondays

our boutique:

55 Church Street
Mountain Brook, AL 35213

P: (205) 871-2888


Tuesday - Saturday:
10 am - 6 pm
*by appointment only